Pioneer SX-880

Sx 880 PICT0017
In this receiver, they've integrated a lot of the boards together - but the tuner is still seperate. When I used it recently, FM reception was rather insensitive, it only got 1 bar on very powerful stations etc.
After a bit of twiddling, I discovered that the two gangs of the tuner were slightly out of sync, so I adjusted for max signal, retuned the MPX filter for correct stereo, and that was it - perfect. Makes me wonder how many other receivers could be given a little more sensitivity though!

Specifications (1978-1979)
Power output 8ohm 60 wpc RMS
Weight 27lb
Cost when new $425
PICT0017 (196.0kB)
PICT0017 (196.0kB)
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