Change Log

Important upgrading note:

Whenever you upgrade SeeDeClip4 the attached web pages will be refreshed.

There is however a limit to the 'depth' of refresh, we recommend you do a 'forced user' refresh. In Chrome this involves pressing 'Ctrl' while you hit Refresh. This makes sure the Javascript files on the web page are the new ones, otherwise it may not work properly.

Internet references

Version history

Version Main changes
V4.7.1 EQ, HTML sleep, various bugfixes, audio slave enhancements..
V4.7.0 Upgrades to: Unicode, export, art, coartists, web IO, etc.
V4.6.4 Minor bugfixing, Export updates.
V4.6.3 Polishing.
V4.6.2 Export master bugfix (gapless)
V4.6.1 Various speedups
V4.6.0 Playlist and javascript fixes
V4.5.9 Various enhancements for Raspberry Pi and UI fixes
V4.5.8 Installer bugfix (please re-install 4.5.8), Raspbian additions.
V4.5.7 HTML Slave and local play handling improvements. Various import additions.
V4.5.6 Local/remote switch, Pi slave profiles, wav_conv throttling.
V4.5.5 AIF+MP4+MOV sound support, extensible WAV support,
Spacebar pause, Pi buffer preload, Coerce 2 channel output.
V4.5.4 Export enhancements. WMA support added.
V4.5.3 Export fixes and slave enhancements
V4.5.2 Slave additions to cope with a DAC being switched off.
V4.5.1 Gapless UI tweaks. Export improvements
V4.5.0 Adaptive Gapless Playback
V4.4.1 Reliability and testing enhancements
V4.4.0 New (fragmentation-proof) memory system
V4.3.27 WIN32 stability bugfixing.
V4.3.26 Linux/OS-X exec bugfixing.
V4.3.25 Various minor bugfixes. Quality meter change.
V4.3.24 Pi dropout proof FIFO wav converter (slave).
V4.3.23 Pi wav converter delivery (slave).
V4.3.22 Bugfix for ARM32 (Pi) wav converter delivery (slave).
V4.3.21 DAC slave options, smoother multi-threading, UI tweaks.
V4.3.20 Export enhancements
V4.3.19 Various bugfixes and performance increases..
V4.3.18 UI javascript fixes: playlist reload, album view.
V4.3.17 Playlist locking UI fixes.
V4.3.16 Caps upgrade, minor polish, bugfix.
V4.3.15 Raspbian slave streaming option, Caps.
V4.3.14 Export naming and UI fixes
V4.3.13 UI sorting fix
V4.3.12 UI and general improvements. Sliver menu.
V4.3.11 Sequential slave system, minor bugfixes + improvements.
(No 'gapless' support, to be re-added in a future update).
V4.3.10 New quality rating for songs (based on DR, compression and clipping).
V4.3.09 Playlist and slave updates.
V4.3.08 Meta and Export improvements.
V4.3.07 Meta and Export (Win10) bugfixes, MP3 export added.
V4.3.06 Export and various improvements.
V4.3.05 Playlist improvements.
V4.3.04 Minor improvements and bugfixes.
V4.3.03 Export page. Headless linux slave.
V4.3.02 Tweaks and browser script bugfix.
V4.3.01 Declip and histogram tuning.
Super accurate declip. Bugfixes. Better demo.
V4.2.04 Better DII. Compilations preserved. Declip enhance.
V4.2.03 Vumeter + Windows UFT16 file Fixes. Better DII.
V4.2.02 Better decompression. Fixes. Integral help.
V4.2.01 Better decompression. Fixes.
Gapless playback. Upsampling. Bugfixes.
V4.1.13 Bugfixes. Better (HF) dither.
V4.1.12 Auto update check. Safari warnings. Bugfixes.
V4.1.11 Bugfixes and cueing enhancements.
V4.1.10 Bugfixes and usability.
V4.1.09 Audio bugfix: last segment error
V4.1.08 Vu meter + waveform data/speed upgrades
V4.1.07 Minor fix for Win32
V4.1.06 Audio bugfix, (declipping - dcda)
V4.1.05 Vu meters added. Minor bugfixes.
V4.1.04 Meta data Eascii -> UTF8 and filecache
V4.1.03 Decomp fix and arm key fix
V4.1.02 Various small fixes and Raspbian added
V4.1.01 Rationalise to free/pro versions
More free features
V4.0.09 Bugfixes, polish, tidy
V4.0.08 Win32, usability and remote bugfixes
V4.0.07 Useability and upgradability fixes
V4.0.06 Installation fixes
V4.0.05 Bugfix for getting started
V4.0.04 Playlist upgrades and client bugfix
V4.0.03 Slave fixes
V4.0.02 No update file, loopback blocking
V4.0.01 Loopback listener fix
First release version

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